Advance your career in education and support your childcare business…
Business & Workshops
TLC ConsultED provides workshops that meet the OCFS requirements. This includes childcare education advancement training and consulting. Topics for workshops include leadership, diversity, equality, and inclusion training.
The TLC mission is to help facilitate employee advancements and promote inclusive environments. TLC ConsultED is available for custom on-site training for your teachers, faculty, and staff.
One-on-One Support
TLC ConsultED provides early childhood education training, exam services, and support. We facilitate training for Childcare Professionals, CDA Training for Infant/Toddler/Preschool/Family Childcare. As a PD specialist, we are a CDA exam observer, as well as support the CDA Portfolio Review and CDA Test Preparation.
Our one-on-one support options also include individual subject matter experts, such as math evaluation and individualized instruction year round.